"As a poet~artist dances precariously at the edge of the the mysterious universe,
so science inspires and gives footing to a stance that is taken in wonder."
—KMW "From the Outside In"

Kath's art work at a show and sale at
The Fine Artists Factory in Pasadena, California



Experimental Journal: "From the Outside In"

Jewelry Art
Kath Abela Wilson lives in Pasadena and Santa Barbara, California
and has written poetry since she was five years old. After apprenticing in Santa Fe, New Mexico, she based her jewery art
in Santa Barbara for 28 years and she continues to show work in gallery-shops nationwide, and her own jewelery web site at http://www.oldflutes.com/kathywilson
Her poetry and other artwork are ongoing. She studied art and
literature at the Notre Dame College of Staten Island, and received B.A. in Philosophy and English Literature
from the (Richmond) College of Staten Island, City University of New York. She continued as research assistant for the Humanities department there, working
closely with Richard Barsam on projects concerning James Joyce, and
documentary film, and other indepentant writers on various topics.
She has written feature articles for art magazines and local newpapers in NYC . She was employed by High Rock Conservation Center of Staten Island as a liason project coordinator for museums and the schools.
She has two grown children, Timothy and Colleen, and two grandson, Dylan and Ryan. Her husband, Rick Wilson, is a Professor of Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. They travel widely and often together, recent trips include Japan, South Korea, Iran, China and Taiwan.
*Kathabela takes her name creatively, from her mother's Maltese name, Abela.
She took the beginning of her born name, Kath + Abela. It makes her mother smile.
For publishing in print you will see the two names Kath Abela, to distinguish her mother's name.
Online and in her art:
In Asia and to some friends - the short form is Kaba. In Japan = Kawaii Kaba.... (cute little hippo?)This is open to interpretation...
Some of Kathabela's jewelry customers still know her as "Kathy" Kasper(her previous married name)