Update May 29, 2006
This project is in no way OVER!!! But some changes resulted from the progress so far. One was that I HAVE gotten on the INSIDE of many of the things that I before I looked at FROM THE OUTSIDE! I had NEVER taken dance, yoga or singing classes although all three were natural to me. NOW I TAKE MANY MANY classes in many things! I have learned the beauty of many working, playing together...where before I was more alone, or with only a few special friends. I have learned my way around the Caltech campus. I know where things are, which buildings are different subjects, and I have learned a lot about science and what happens at Caltech on the forefront of knowledge. It really has become my home. I told my husband "I never have felt like I belonged somewhere and to something before. I feel that way about Caltech. And I learned how much Pasadena has to offer, and I feel part of the singing groups and the dance groups I belong to. I am more on the INSIDE of many things, and have developed many of my talents, and been more "public" instead of private with them...but
I really feel that THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!