It is very crusty on the outside, and soft on the inside. The characteristic crusty shiny outside is helped by brushing with beaten egg. Also, it is cooked a very high temperature, for a short time.
The making of it is unusual in that it does not take a long time, only one
one hour rising, then cut into rolls, and let rise 15 minutes. The cooking time is short too!
The result is surprisingly delicious! I baked this for my Maltese Mom on her 83 birthday! whose mother had baked HER Maltese bread in her childhood, and she recognized it! The best compliment!
2 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1tbs sugar
1 tbs butter
1 packet yeast
1 cup luke warm water
1 tablespoon milk
1 egg
Mix the four, salt and margerine. Add the yeast. Make a mixture of the luke warm water, sugar and the milk. Add on to the flour and knead the mixture well until the dough is white and elasticated. Place in a bowl, seal with cling film and a wet dish towel, place in a warm place for about 1 hour. Work the dough, cut into small pieces (50g). Place on a baking tray, brush with beaten egg, cut with a knife and let the pieces rest for about 15 minutes. Cook in oven 450F for 12-15 minutes.
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