April 1–11, 2004
In Pittsburgh our visit was thanks to University of Pittsburgh graduate student Or Neeman, above on the right, who graduated from Caltech last year. He suggested Rick as a speaker for a colloquium talk, and his suggestion resulted in the invitation. During our visit, mathematicians at each university had discussions with Rick about their research work. Here, Rick and Or are visiting Jason Fulman in his office.
Above, you can see a few of the bridges, from the same vantage point!
Yes, well, they could be talking about the weather. (The 'snow photo' was taken by Kathy from the plane as we left Pittsburgh.) It was cold there during our visit, and was snowing when we left, but the hospitality made up for it. (We'll give you a culinary tour later.) Above, Rick and Or are meeting with Greg Constantine in his office.
Glen Whitehead meets with Rick after Rick's talk.
Above see Kathy at 'Grand View' happy, but shivering! On the left of Or, is Stuart Hastings, another gracious mathematican-host in Pittsburgh. You met him in our first report, playing the bass-recorder! On the far upper left, you can see Rick using an overhead projector and transparancies to make his points.
Then we traveled via Atlanta, GA
(you saw our musical gathering there) to
Auburn University, where Rick gave his second talk on Tuesday, April 6.
In Auburn, it was Spring! The azaleas were in full bloom everywhere!
One of the best things about a visit to Auburn is visiting with our dear friend mathematician at Auburn University, Doug Leonard and his wife Jane. Rick was preparing for his talk in Doug's office. Rick and Doug enjoyed some rare duets. Another is a visit with our friend and host, Curt Lindner (lower two photos) and his wife Ann (with Curt, cheek to cheek amidst the azaleas). Curt always introduces Rick as "the only mathematician who has been the grand marshall of the Rose Parade..." More later about their hospitality and our fun together.
A happy group of friends in Auburn, Alabama: Rick, Kathy, Jane and Doug.
Next, we flew into Philadelphia, where our host and friend Qing Xiang met us at the airport. We drove directly to newark, Delaware (pronounced distinctively 'New-ARK' we
were told.) Rick gave his third talk at the University of Delaware, on Friday, April 9.
The narcissus surrounded our path everywhere at the University. It was a little earlier in Spring here than in Auburn, but everywhere evident.
Here there were two overhead projectors, an elegant lecture room, and an even larger audience.
It is always fun to renew our friendships on a trip like this. We saw another Delaware friend-mathematician Gary Ebert. Rick enjoyed discussions with him and we both enjoyed seeing his wife Chris, who is also on the mathematics faculty at the University of Delaware. Gary has been our companion of at several previous conferences. You can see his wife, pictured with him, in the center above.
In Qing's office Rick met with graduate student David Chandler, for mathematical discussion.
Mathematician Mikhail Klin and Rick talked as well.
Our gracious host Qing Xiang walks with Rick beneath the flowering trees on campus at the University of Delaware. Gary told us that the stunning trees in bloom were all fruit trees that are trained not to make fruit.
Qing's wife Susan (amidst the orchids above) made us a wonderful Chinese dinner (more about that later) the night we arrived, and their family accompanied us to the Philadelphia Art Museum.
See the Philadelphia Art Museum and family reunion
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