There was a lot of love involved in Rick's birthday, and you can see it here. Kathy arranged an event that Rick would definitely enjoy, the opportunity to play chamber music in our Santa Barbara home with friends. Thanks to the 'miracle' of both our dear friend Daniel's presence (he played in our wedding concert, and performed our marriage ceremony) and a keyboard instrument in our house (a virginal built by and rented from our friend Curtis Berak) our sweet Santa Barbara friends and family were treated to this very special concert. Blissfully listening below, along with Kathy, are friends Hyla Fetler and Tracy Fernandez. (photo by Nan Evans)
Before Kathy realized she needed her camera instead of a mixing bowl, Rick and Daniel had already finished playing their Elizabethan Dance arrangements (originally for lute and keyboard) on a renaissance flute made by Philippe Alain'Dupre, and Daniel was playing Willizam Byrd's 'Lady Carey's dompe' from memory and wishing he brought more music. They went on, Rick with a copy (by Rod Cameron) of a baroque flute by P. Bresson, playing two sonatas by Telemann and a CPE Bach sonata.
Here are more blissful listeners:Pete Evans, Fred Kenyon, Nan Evans, and Carol Kenyon.
Curtis Berak, who built this beautiful keyboard instrument, is also a collector and player of antique hurdy gurdies. He peformed for our delighted guests.
Our friend from Santa Monica, who has an wind instrument repair shop there, Joe Moir, played his Macedonian bagpies, to provide the third musical treat!
Joe's wife, Dominique, teaches French at her own school adjoining Joes'repair shop. Kathy's mom, Mary, spoke French growing up, and so they have lots in common, and enjoyed speaking French together. Rick was happy that Carol (pictured with Rick) and her hushand Fred were able to come, (just back from a trip) and our next door Santa Barbara nreighbors, Viola and her husband Brian (in the center background) joined us too. Their baby is bue in early January.
You must agree already, that music here was the 'food of love' and played on!
, There was other food
too, and Kathy made a meal
based on some of Rick's favorite things!
She had enormous help from daughter Colleen
who managed the tiny kitchen where Kathy prepared
appetizers, a three course dinner, and desserts.
Niece Sara was busy the whole time washing dishes,
and serving drinks. And sister Maureen
was there stirring. Here is a kitchen full
of mothers and daughters!
Here's the menu: appetizer cheeses and dips , tiny appetizer pizza slices with shitake mushroom, onion, pepperoni, rice and soy cheeses,and black olives. Main courses were New Zealand tiny rack of lamb with mustard and rosemary, sauce; spicy sesame shrimp curry with spinach and walnuts; tofu curry with cilantro, green onion, and pecans; and asparagas with toasted almonds.
And for dessert, along with ice creams and a berry dish topped with cream, Rick's once a year favorite: cupcakes: this time a Kathy all organic version, made with love...
The musicians were truly the life of this party!
Curtis brought the score of a Turkish dance by Lully and he played his hurdy gurdy along with Rick on flute and Daniel on virginal. Truly a rare treat!
A special way to celebrate the birth of this precious and musical life!
Happy Birthday dear Rick !!